Start the New Year By Updating Your Child’s Vaccines

Lots of us start the New Year by taking stock, getting caught up on the little things we’ve let slide in the past. You might make resolutions to lose weight or keep up with clutter and mess around the house. Many families also make resolutions to keep up with medical care. For children, that should include checking up on vaccinations.
Vaccination, also known as immunization, is one of our best tools for protecting children from infectious disease. And, vaccination protects your entire community as well, helping to reduce the circulation of serious conditions like measles and the flu. At Dr. Soos Pediatrics of Dublin, Georgia, Dr. Gyula Soos and his team provide a full range of vaccination services.
Talk to Dr. Soos about your child’s vaccination history, and he can let you know if you need any additional doses or boosters to get your child’s immunity current. If you have concerns about vaccine safety, Dr. Soos can assess them in light of your child’s health history and needs.
Safe and effective childhood vaccination
Immunization with vaccines teaches your child’s immune system to respond effectively to specific infectious diseases. Once your child is fully vaccinated against a condition like measles, any measles germs they come into contact with will be quickly neutralized by their strengthened immune system and well-targeted antibodies.
Your immune system uses this same process of developing antibodies to fight off germs naturally. However, babies and young children risk serious illness before sufficient immune response without the support of vaccines and medical immunization.
Vaccines use weakened or inactivated viruses, so there’s no chance your child could contract an illness as a result of vaccination. Some vaccines may leave your child feeling unwell for a few hours, and shots can be scary for some. Dr. Soos provides cheerful, compassionate care and attention to each pediatric patient, soothing fears and coaxing out smiles.
Vaccine scheduling and keeping up with vaccination schedules
Many pediatric vaccines need more than one shot for full immunization, and some vaccines require boosters later in life, as well. And then there’s yearly immunizations like the flu shot, tailored to each year’s viral prevalence.
In the first few years of life, kids need more vaccines, establishing strong immunity and protection. Fewer vaccinations are typically needed later in childhood. The standard vaccination schedule takes the full range of your child’s health needs into account, making sure that your child is sufficiently protected without putting too much stress on their developing bodies.
With everything in the busy lives of many parents, it can be easy for children to fall behind in vaccinations. Some parents and caregivers also worry about the safety of vaccination due to misinformation.
Let Dr. Soos know if your child might be behind on vaccination, or if you’re concerned about childhood vaccination. He can give you the real information on childhood vaccination, based on scientific study and known facts.
If your child falls behind on vaccinations, Dr. Soos puts together a custom immunization catch-up plan to get them protected from contagious diseases as soon as possible.
Start this year off on the right foot by getting in touch with Dr. Soos Pediatrics and updating your kids’ immunizations. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Soos by calling 478-272-0203 now, or request an appointment online.
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