How to Tell if Your Child is Too Sick for School

Sometimes it can seem like kids will do anything to stay home from school for a day, including trying to convince you that they’re too sick. As the winter wears on, you might find your child using up more and more “sick days.” Sometimes, colder weather can lead to more frequent illnesses. If your child really is too sick to go out, it will be best for both them and the other children at their school or daycare if you keep them at home. Still, you don’t want to let a clever faker skip out on needed school time.
So how do you make the decision? At Dr. Soos Pediatrics, Gyula Soos, MD, FAAP advises you to look at these key indicators when making the call on whether to send your child to school or keep them home for a sick day.
Check on policies
If you’re uncertain about whether your child is too sick for school or daycare, it can be a good idea to check in and find out about any existing policies. Some schools or daycares have specific rules about fevers and other symptoms. You might need to bring your child in for a medical check-up as well, to confirm a diagnosis and prescribe the right medications for their condition. Dr. Soos can help you figure out what policies and procedures apply to your child, and provide doctor’s notes if needed for schools or daycares.
Watch out for serious symptoms
Some symptoms of sickness in your child will almost always indicate a problem you should take seriously. Watch out for:
- Fever of over 100.5℉
- Shortness of breath or wheezing
- Nausea, vomiting, or serious loss of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Drooling with mouth sores
- Yellow or green drainage from eye(s)
If you see these symptoms, let your child take a sick day and stay in bed. If your child seems more than usually clingy or lethargic, that can also be a symptom to take seriously, whether you judge a doctor’s visit is necessary, or you decide that your child just needs a day at home to rest up.
Consider disruptions for others
At school, your child socializes with other children and needs to be able to be cared for by teachers. Think about whether your child could be disruptive or contagious when deciding if you should keep them home for the day. If your child shows disruptive coughing or complains of disruptive earache, headache, or sore throat pain, a day at home might be a good idea. If your child has a contagious disease, like flu, strep throat, or pinkeye, talk to a professional about when you should send them back to school.
When making the call about a sick day, trust your instincts. You know your child and can recognize changes in their routines, physical condition, or behavior. Our team at Dr. Soos Pediatrics is also here to help. We treat pediatric patients from our Dublin, Georgia practice. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Soos, call our office now, or use the online booking tool.
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